Friday 6 February 2015


Ahhhh the topic was intended to finally make its way onto my blog at some time.
Friendships are difficult. Whether you're 5 or 85.
      One thing that is learnt through friendships is communication and trust. Everyone has experienced a bad friendship and to be frank- it sucks. However, one thing that is learnt is that you have to keep your mouth shut, be everyone's friend- even if you dislike them. We have all been mistreated in a friendship but have got through the rough days- despite the sadness. Do we really need friends? In my perspective, I do not. People just have 'friends' to not look alone, or feel alone.. People will walk in and out of your life regardless whether you want them to stay or leave.
I am the type of person who isn't that very social, I do not text people first, I do not enjoy talking to people. I only talk to people if they need help with their homework or if they need help with life.

Today my friend was crying so much and the cause of those tears- her boyfriend. A river- she cried. He told her the negatives about her personality, she was then upset and hid that anger and confusion until the bomb exploded and obliterated her happiness. I personally have never had a boyfriend, I believe I am too young and have an education to take care. It sucks that the person you care about the most hurts you. Now she is trying to fix her demons and become someone else- I do not agree with that. Just because someone calls you something, it does not define you. As far as I know she is not "selfish". People just make accusations. It's like saying that toys come alive when no human is present in the room, but not supporting the point with any evidence. I hope one day she realises that the tears are not worth it, he isn't worth it. Why keep extra weight on your shoulders? It'll only keep you down.
Post any stories you have in the comments, I am intrigued in what you have to say.
Thank you,


Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
-Will Smith.

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